For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. - John 3:16
office (352) 237-7324 fax (352) 861-7326 sales (352) 239-3072 technical (352) 239-3073 email: FL License # EG13000238
Wireless Security System Wireless systems are now more reliable and also fashionable that in the past.  The new lithium batteries last up to 5 years in most cases.   We install wireless systems in a majority of our systems.  Some doors, motions, keypads and other devices can be hardwired but we will  lean towards wireless to keep from exposing wires as well as keeping the dust down.  Below are some examples of the different equipment we may use.
Hardwired Security Systems Central Station Monitoring 
MORE INFO MORE INFO MORE INFO MORE INFO Smoke Detector Motion Detector Transceivers Heat Detector Transmitter Remotes Glass Break Wireless Keypad Lynx System Simon System
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