“Only Our Best!
You Have My Word on it...”
office (352)237-7324
fax (352)861-7326
sales (352)239-3072
technical (352)239-3073
email: king1976@embarqmail.com
FL License # EG13000238
King Security LLC is located in the City of Ocala, Marion County in the beautiful State of Florida. Located in the center of the State
as well as the center of Horse County, USA, King Security is here to serve the Central Florida area with all of its security needs.
Whatever your security needs are, just give us a call and we will be happy to work with you to put "your" security first. King Security
is licensed and Certified by the State of Florida to do business as an Alarm Contractor and low voltage contractor. With over twenty
years of experience and a lifetime in Central Florida, George & Gary are devoted to the people of the community they call home.
We promise to give you the type of quality equipment and quality service we would expect if we were the customers. We are
founded by the belief that we are accountable to God for all our actions, both personally and professionally. We will do our best to
give you only our best and work diligently to resolve each and every issue for as long as you are customers of King Security. You
have my word on it...
Camera Surveillance
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